Women with Disabilities Conference on Gender-Based Violence

Collaborator: Spotlight Initiative

Facilitator: Marlon Agrippa – Representative from Shades of the Skies


  • Rosemarie Ramitt – Coordinator of the Women with Disabilities Network of GCOPD
  • Ganesh Singh – GCOPD Programme Manager
  • Alikah Doris – Representative from UN Women
  • Dena James – Senior Field Assistant of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  • Kendra Ann Pitt – Lecturer from the University of the West Indies
  • Dr. Ruth Rodney – Assistant Professor within the School of Nursing of York University.
  • Renata Chuck-A-Sang – CEO of the Women and Gender Commission.

Last year’s (2023) Women with Disabilities Conference on Gender-Based Violence was held in observance of the 16 days of activism to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls, under the theme “UNITE! Invest to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls.”

A total of thirty-two women were in attendance representing regions 2,3,4,5,6,7, and 10. The workshop was facilitated by Marlon Agrippa of Shades of the Skies and was filled with presentations, a panel discussion, and a working group session.

Presentations focused around the context of providing background about gender-based violence as well as building supportive communities, utilizing technology for advocacy and the concepts and policies when dealing with sexual exploitation and abuse, with Dena James sharing “…the UN’s zero tolerance for instances of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse”.

Between presentations, a panel discussion on trauma-informed care and mental health considerations for working was held with panelists Kendra Ann Pit and Dr. Ruth Rodney. To conclude the day, an informative breakout session where participants discussed recommendations to make services for gender-based violence more accessible for persons with disabilities. Participants collectively affirmed their commitment to advancing inclusivity and enhancing their understanding of gender-based challenges. Delving into various facets of gender-based violence, the conference’s impact is discernible through the sustained engagement and dedication exhibited by attendees, evident in both fervent discussions and informed insights.

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